Thursday, September 22, 2011

Canning Tomatoes

This is a "recipe" I have to remind myself of every year. I don't know if I do it right, but this is the way I was taught after asking about 10 canning masters. This is what I end up doing with all my extra tomatoes. This year so far I've gotten 6 jars. Which is a record for me. I'm hoping to do this more. Truthfully, we use this more than the apple pie filling or the jam. Okay, maybe not the jam. :)

Start pot of boiling water. When it's boiling, put tomatoes in for 5-7 minutes. Remove from pot and allow to cool. Remove tomato skins, then cut up tomatoes into one inch chunks.

I do not boil my jars, I put lids and jars into the dishwasher. I've heard you are not supposed to do this.... I've never had a problem though. (Apparently you can blanch vegetables in your dishwasher as well. I'm not sure I'm ready for that, but it sounds cool.) After the dishwasher has been running a while take out one jar at a time and rise soap off. Then put tomatoes into the jar about halfway up. Then add 1 Tbsp. Vinegar and 1 tsp. salt. Then fill the rest of the way up, leaving a couple inches at the top so the lids can seal properly.

Wipe down the rim and place lid on top, firmly tightening the lid. Repeat until all the jars are used or you run out of tomatoes.

Put jars in water bath for an hour. I can take less time, but I'd rather leave it in the longest time possible because I hate redoing all my hard work.

Remove from pot. Let cool, date and put on the shelf.

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